Vinocamp France | Réponses de VickyWine


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2 sujets de 1 à 2 (sur un total de 2)
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  • Répondre à: Stepping out of your comfort zone to solve problems. en réponse à : Stepping out of your comfort zone to solve problems.


    Thanks! That’s an unusual one, going back to basic when technology isn’t support. I like the subject, maybe we can focus on problem the limit that technologies bring in tourism?

    Répondre à: Wine labels: traditional vs modern en réponse à : Wine labels: traditional vs modern


    Hello Smiling Grape :)

    I agree, good topic! I feel there is a need to diversify, I also feel it’s a bit hard to face the consumer’s reaction sometimes, it gives new market opportunities while you might loose some. Talk about it soon!

2 sujets de 1 à 2 (sur un total de 2) - Community marks | Co-mis en bouteille par Anne-Victoire Monrozier et Arnaud Daphy
Mentions légales | Réalisation & hébergement Tête Chercheuse